Welcome Back! 

Principal Welcome – Mrs. Kim Koop:

It is my privilege to start my seventh year as the principal of Landmark Elementary School. Staff have been diligently working to prepare for the first day of school. When the doors open on Wednesday, September 4th, we know our students’ energy will fill the school, and we will begin our year of learning! At LES, we are committed to creating a safe and caring learning environment where all our students have a sense of belonging and can contribute and thrive.


Throughout the school year, we will provide information about the teaching and learning that is taking place. We will do this through:

  • emails from the school. Please save this address to your Favourites to avoid it going into junk mail and missing important information about school events:  Notification@target10112.brightarrow.com
  • updating our website: les.hsd.ca
  • Instagram: landmark_elementary
  • regular communication from the classroom teacher(s)

Staffing Updates:

Mrs. Karen Andersen will be on leave from September 3rd – October 7th, and Mrs. Kerri Richter will cover for her leave.

Mrs. Kailey Penner will be on leave until January 6th. Mrs. Carolyn Peters will cover her leave. Mrs. Carolyn Peter has been a Guidance Counselor in the Hanover School Division for several years and has her training in Guidance.

For a list of all staff, please visit – les.hsd.ca.

Meet the Teacher Night – Drop-in:

Families are invited to drop by on September 3rd from 4:30 to 6:00 to meet their teachers. The opportunity to connect can help with some of the big feelings that can come with the first day of school. We value positive relationships with our LES families, as we know they support student learning!

Parent Portal:

Please provide permissions on the Parent Portal (Walking Field Trips for all students and Responsible Use of Technology Agreements for new students) and update contact information. It is essential that we have updated contact information for emergency situations and attendance calls. Please note if your child is not at school, we will contact the parent/guardian and if we cannot reach you, we will contact the emergency contacts.  If you are having trouble logging in to your parent portal please contact the office for help.


We ask that parents/guardians do their best to have their child at school on time for the start of the school day—9:08. We also know that regular and consistent attendance is essential for academic growth and students’ sense of belonging. If your child has a high rate of absences, we will contact you to see how we can support you with their attendance.

School Supplies:

School supplies have been charged to the student accounts. Payment can be made on the Parent Portal or by cash or cheque to the school office. Thank you to those who have already paid. The minimum payment on the Parent Portal is $10. Payment can be made in instalments; statements will be sent out at the end of every month to let parents know if they have an outstanding balance. Buying school supplies in bulk helps to keep the supplies’ costs down and ensure that all students have quality supplies. Thank you to Mrs. Frischbutter, who does her best to find the best price for school supplies!

Daily Schedule:

8:35 – Supervision on the playground

8:50 – Students enter the school

9:00 – Religious Opening Exercises – for students with parent/guardian permission

9:08 – O Canada and announcements

10:40-10:55 – Recess

11:55-12:50 – Lunch and Recess

2:20-2:35 – Recess

3:37 – Dismissal begins

Pick-up and Drop off:

We ask that parents only park by the school on the west side of the road. Parking on both sides of the street is dangerous as students move between cars.

Do not drive through the bus loop before or after school.

If your child takes the bus, the bus driver will contact you with details as to the pick-up time. If you are eligible for busing but choose not to have your child take the bus, notify the school.

Dismissal begins at 3:37 in the following order:

  • Early Bus Students
  • Vehicle Pick-up – If your child is being picked up, you must notify the school. We ask that you collect your child/children as quickly as possible as we want to clear the area for our students who walk and our late bus students.
  • Walkers
  • Late Bus Students

Please note that dismissal takes longer the first week of school as we get into the routine of loading our buses. If your child is not taking the bus you need to notify the school. 

It is essential that you notify the school if you are making changes to how your child is getting home or with whom they are going.

Summer Reading:

If your child participated in the Summer Reading Bingo, please have them return their bingo sheet to school. We hope our students had some fun reading this summer!

Library News:

Please return all summer reading packages as soon as possible. 😎

The Scholastic Book Fair will be returning to LES in November this year.

Follow our library’s Instagram page for book fair information, contests, new titles, and everything else in the library:  @les_library_lc.

Volunteer Information:

To volunteer at the school in any capacity, you must complete the process required by the Hanover School Division. As the paperwork may take 6 to 8 weeks to process, it is a good idea to start early so that all checks are in place if and when you want to volunteer. Once approved these checks are valid for 5 years.  We appreciate and value our volunteers, please contact the school office if you would like to start the volunteer process or need to know if your checks are still valid.

Cell Phone Policy:

LES has always had a cell phone-free policy for students. We believe that cell phones distract students from focusing on their learning and connecting with their classmates. If students bring a cell phone to school, it will be kept at the office, and a parent/guardian will be notified to come pick it up. We appreciate your cooperation. If there is a situation where a student needs a cell phone, please contact Kim Koop, principal, to discuss the request.

Strong Connections:

Strong Connections will occur on Friday, September 13th, and Monday, September 16th. Students will attend the full day on either September 13th or September 16th. Please contact the office if you have any questions.

in: General