Staff Updating

Mr. Jacob Carr has joined our LES EA team.

I Love to Read Month

Fun activities are taking place at LES in February. Thank you to the parents/grandparents who have come to read for Guest Reader Day on Wednesdays. Thursday, February 22nd, is Dress as a Book Character Day.

Dental Presentations – February 20th

On Tuesday, February 20th, Hanover Dental will be doing class presentations on dental health. Please note that 4/5K had a dental health presentation a few weeks ago, so they are not part of the presentation on February 20th.

Dress for the Weather

Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We understand that the weather this winter is quite sporadic, but we are finding that on the cold days, we have students who are not dressed for the cold temperatures – mitts, toques and ski pants. We have a limited supply of items for children to use when they forget. Thank you for your cooperation.

in: General